Illustrations for the Publication L’Adrià aprèn a fer oli, a book written by Verònica Riera, for the collection the field works

illustrator / il.lustradora / ilustradora
Illustrations for the Publication L’Adrià aprèn a fer oli, a book written by Verònica Riera, for the collection the field works
Poster for the 36th Cherry Festival
Client: Torrelles de Llobregat city council / ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat
Technique: Stamps and collage
Desire for hope / Desig d’esperança / Deseo de esperanza
Illustration of the Refugee Project, that is an initiative that promotes design as a tool for awareness and action against inequitable situations such as humanitarian dram of the refugee crisis
Pippi Langstrump
Illustration for the Children’s and Young Adults Catalan book catalan fair in Mollerussa
Mollerussa, 2017
Gouache and graphite
Illustration for The Tales and the forest Exhibition for the 7th Children’s Book Fair Conteva! Va de contes
Graphite and colored pencil
Music calms the beast
Illustration for Music and Tales Exhibition for the Children’s Book Fair Conteva! Va de contes.
Gouache and graphite
Illustration for Against Arms Trade Exhibition
Screen printing on cotton paper 150 gr
Verdejade (C. Ramon y Cajal, 11. Barcelona)
Language: italian
Published by Pulci Volanti
Written and illustrated by Maria Palet
Attigliano, 2019
Mai no oblidaré el teu nom / Nunca olvidaré tu nombre
Language: catalan and spanish
Published by Cossetània Edicions (catalan) and Lectio Ediciones (spanish)
Written by Ignasi Llorente
Valls, 2018
Sant Jordi
Cardboard format
Published by Nowordbooks
15 cm x 15 cm
Barcelona, 2016