miquel martí i pol foundation calendar / calendari / calendario

Illustrations for the Miquel Martí i Pol foundation 2020 calendar. Poetry Illustration Award.

Technique: Stamps and graphite

Client: Fundació Miquel Martí i Pol / http://miquelmartiipol.cat

sant jordi bookmark / punt de llibre / punto de libro

Bookmark illustration

Client: Torrelles de Llobregat city council / ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat / www.torrelles.cat

Tecnique: Stamps and digital colour

els nou rals bookstore / llibreria / librería

Illustration project for Els nou rals bookstore

Artwork application on furniture

Technique: graphite and digital colour

Client: Els nou rals. Carrer de Sant Joan, 19, 08840 Viladecans, Barcelona


drecera book illustrations

Illustrations for the the Publication Participació infantil i juvenil de la col.lecció Drecera de Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya

Technique: graphite and digital colour

Client: Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya


mbolo project the best match

The best match is a book written to raise awareness about the project “Building the Gambia’s capacities and resilience to Climate Change related Disasters, Natural Resources Management, environmental protection and enhanced livelihoods”

Published by Mbolo Association

Technique: graphite and digital colour

Language: English 

The Gambia, 2018
